It seems difficult question for them, who have encountered these type of earlier. This type of question checks your understandings
Q6. Write a C program to convert a decimal number into a binary number system.
I am sure we all know about number system, still I would like to explain about binary and decimal number
Q5. Find the size of structure without using sizeof() operator.
To find size of a structure. We can use a pointer as we know if we increment structure pointer by
Q4. Write a program to print numbers from 1 to 100 without using loops.
There is nothing tough to write this program, only trick should click in your mind at time of program. I
Q3. Write a C program to check given number is palindrome or not ?
Also Interviewer can ask to you, write a C program to check given string is palindrome or not? Palindromes are
Q2. Write a C program to calculate power of a number (x,y).
There may be multiple method to calculate power of a number. Method 1: Using function recursion #include<stdio.h> int power(int a, unsigned
Q1. Find the factorial of a given number using recursion
Generally these type of question ask, to check your knowledge of function recursion. Given below C program to find factorial
Hello Friends !!!!!
Here I am going to post one by one 101 most important interview questions on C. I am very much
Q31 What is lvalue and rvalue?
lvalue stands for left value of assignment operator and rvalue is stands for right value of assignment operator. Exapmle: value