Nested if statement

To check on condition within another we use nested if statement. The else clause is always associated with the closest matched if.

The syntax is :-

if  ( expression)

if ( expression)

if ( expression)
…. you can put N number of  if  ( expression )….

statement 1;


statement 2;



statement 3;




statement 4;


Write a C program to check given number is divisible by 2,3 and 4 or not

int main()

int num;scanf(“%d”,&num);

if (num%2 == 0)

if (num%3 == 0)

if (num%4 == 0)

printf(“Num = %d is divisible by 2,3 and 4\n”,num);


printf(“Num = %d is not divisible by 4\n”,num);



printf(“Num = %d is not divisible by 3\n”,num);



printf(“Num = %d is not divisible by 2\n”,num);

return 0;


Explanation :-
Case 1 : Suppose you have entered num = 12,  The value is successfully validate in each if statement one by one, The output will be :-
$ ./a.out
Num = 12 is divisible by 2,3 and 4

Case 1 : Suppose you have entered num = 10,  The value is successfully validate in first if statement, but fails in second if statement, so else part of second if will execute, the output will be :-
$  ./a.out
Num = 10 is not divisible by 3


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